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Alfredo Marco Pradil's profile

Alfredo Marco Pradil


Hanken Design Co.® / HDS

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Hire Alfredo Marco

Motion Graphics
After Effects
Font Design and Development
Font Design and Development
Font Design and Development

From US$20,000

Are you struggling to find typefaces that truly set your brand apart and align with your unique vision? Do you find it challenging to ensure seamless integration and performance of typefaces across various platforms and mediums? Are you facing obstacles related to licensing costs, language support, and accessibility considerations? If so, I'm here to make those relevant problems go away. With a curated selection of diverse and quality typefaces, along with customization options to tailor fonts to your brand identity, I can help you differentiate yourself effectively. Through comprehensive testing and technical support, I ensure that your chosen typefaces render consistently and readably across all mediums. Additionally, we at Hanken Design Co.® offer flexible licensing models and prioritize inclusive design practices, ensuring that language support and accessibility are never barriers to your success.

Within 3 months

1 concept, 3 revisions